An "udderly" great day in ND!
Salem Sue
The world's largest Holstein Cow in New Salem ND. The RV was too big for this little side trip so Richele rode (and walked) her bike up this steep hill to see her! Sue was getting a paint job and I mentioned I thought the udders might be more realistic flesh colored....RIGHT? Well the painters didn't see it that way.
Uh Oh.....A run-in with the long arm of the law....and a nasty dog!
SOMEONE got pulled over yesterday (BOB!!). The North Dakota State Trooper said that Bob had time to pull into the left lane to avoid the flashing lights. Bob politely disagreed and explained that "he was trying to get over, but by the time the beige car passed him on the left he was past the flashing lights". He got off with a warning (even though Sam tried to nip at the trooper when Bob handed over his License). OOPS!
Medora, ND
Home of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It's a very pretty park with their own Badlands, wild horses, Bison, and prairie dogs.
- Sooo.....we have to say that we liked South Dakota better and we saw more animals.
- There is lots of history about Teddy Roosevelt that Bob wants to share, but he is asleep, so I'll just share an interesting fact: Teddy Roosevelt lost his wife and mother on the same day, within hours of each other, in the same house in New York in 1884. He went back to his ranch near Medora ND to was a very peaceful place for him (and we can see why.)
The Medora Musical
This is the 60th year for this 2,900 seat open air amphitheater built into the side of the mountain. Its a beautiful venue under the stars for this cute rootin' tootin' musical about the Spirit of the West (they even have horses on stage.) Not Broadway, but worth the visit.
Only fitting for the end of a great day.....Bob's new Buffalo pajama pants!